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Summerbites: a summer in episodes
Vico Magistretti, Milanese Architect
At the Triennale in Milan an interesting retrospective on Vico Magistretti is currently underway. Organized in the occasion of the centenary of his…
Through the looking glass: Picasso and Pirandello
– Head comic: “And the script? Where is the script?” – The Father: “It’s inside of us sir, the drama it’s inside of…
From connoisseur to specialist: the evolution of selling art
What do we reap when looking at an artwork? Astonishment, involvement, emotion or perhaps the much talked about Stendhal syndrome. Tommaso Marangoni takes…
Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the art of involving
In the history of art there are few artists who, as well as sharing common projects of life, have started a fruitful creative…
Panoramic Venice
And for a moment returns the will to live at a different speed Franco Battiato, Trains to Tozeur, 1985 In Campo Santa Maria…
KURDISH R-ESISTANCE. Rendering the complexity
ART WILL (MAYBE) NEVER BELONG TO EVERYONE. A manifesto by Édouard Louis and Ken Loach
In December 2019 a dialogue between the French writer Édouard Louis and the English filmmaker Ken Loach took place during the Studio-B Unscripted…
NFT: artistic uniqueness transposed into the digital world.
<<Surely this sale will mark the beginning of a new chapter in the history of art, that of Digital Art>> the artist Beeple…
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